silk reptile decor plant: laurel leaves falls
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silk reptile decor plant: laurel leaves falls, reptile decor, approx. 14″ high. Weighted (w/natural river rock) plastic base; included.
Product #:srp105
Price: $10.99
Condition: new
“Animals & Pet Supplies > Pet Supplies > Reptile & Amphibian Supplies > Reptile & Amphibian Habitat Accessories”
Intended For: reptile habitat environment or home decor, no submerging in water. For home decor: “plant it” in your favorite container!
Caution: Never use soap’s or detergent’s to clean you artificial plants. What they leave behind, can be toxic to your pets.
Instructions: Rinse in warm water before use. Place in the habitat enclosure and cover the plant base with your substrate.
Design Tip: Make the view angle pleasant and natural by putting taller plants towards the back and shorter plants up front.
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