beautiful betta fish | Alonso

beautiful betta fish | named Alonso

beautiful betta fish | Alonso. Badis Borenov | tumblr

Siamese fighting fish Alonso

beautiful betta fish | named Alonso. Badis Borenov | tumblr

betta fish | Siamese fighting fish

Alonso is, without a doubt, a beautiful betta fish. Fish Photography is no easy task and the quality of these images is well worthy of a longer look. Stunning captures of an aquatic environment.

– ron beck

“12 OCT 2016 – a couple of photos of Alonso from tonight, I think he was actually posing…”

source: Badis Borenov | tumblr

ron beck designs aquarium plants

See more of the photography and fish that inspire me plus my plant designs, visit the blog!

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