What does he mean by saying "handcrafted artificial plants"?
One questions that pops up often is “what do you mean, you make them? Don’t you just cut the stems and glue them into a base?”
Yes, many of the plant designs I create are not “made” by me. After cutting all the leaves and stems from their core stem, I then begin the design process. Sometimes its just a matter of bending the stems in a realistic looking pattern, turning the leaves and then securing them all into a base.
I also “create” the base for the aquarium and reptile habitat plants. It is made up of a small plastic (food safe) container which is filled with river rock and then, secured within using nontoxic adhesive.
The art of it is often, it’s construction and creation.
Ron Beck Designs

After I’ve decided on the materials, I then begin to construct a base for the design. There is a center point spindle from which I plan the design.

From there I start placing / positioning the stems in a “realistic looking” design pattern. A great deal of thought go’s into the placement each and every stems or leaf.

The base will be then weighted (secured) with river rock. Each stone is hand chosen and placed around the inner base (trunk / stem) of the design. The river rock also adds stability to the design structure.