Mossy Caledonian Gecko | Mniarogekko chahoua & Mniarogekko jalu

Mossy Caledonian Gecko

Mniarogekko chahoua & Mniarogekko jalu by mehelya on


Mniarogekko chahoua & Mniarogekko jalu | mehelya on 500px.

Mossy New Caledonian Gecko

Mniarogekko chahoua commonly known as the mossy New Caledonian gecko, short-snouted New Caledonian gecko, Bavay’s giant gecko, or mossy prehensile-tailed gecko, is an arboreal gecko found natively on the southern portion of the island of New Caledonia and on the outlying islands of Île des Pins.

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Mossy Caledonian Gecko | Mniarogekko chahoua & Mniarogekko jalu Read More »