
Happy Holidays 2021

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Happy Holidays | 2021!

As you gather with friends and family, this holiday season, I hope that your time spent together brought you peace & happiness.

Safe travels and well wishes!


I would also like to take a moment and thank all of of you, for your continued support through year!

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Happy Holidays 2020 from Ron Beck Designs

Happy Holidays, 2020, from Ron Beck Designs

Tis that time of year, the Christmas Holidays.

This year certainly doesn’t feel like holidays past as our world has drastically changed for the worst. We have been pledged by the Corona Virus. The suffering we have experienced is unprecedented. It’s hard to fathom that one virus, from a far away land, was able to change our entire way of life in a matter of days.

Many have lost loved ones during this pandemic. It will make this holiday, even harder to bare. It’s so important that we look deep within our selves for the strength & support people will need. Stop and listen for their call for help. Do some thing for some one. Love, care and compassion for others are the most valuable gifts one can give any time of the year.

I want to wish you all a safe holiday season and cherish the gift of time you are given.

Take care – Ron


Happy Holidays 2020 - Ron Beck Designs Pinterest Story Pin Black Template

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