
Give Ron His Job Back

Best viewed on a desktop computer, laptop or tablet. 32+ hours spent to create for the purpose of presenting truths.

I NEED YOUR HELP, JUST 10 WORDS (multiple choice questioner below) from you, anonymously, that based on your experience working with me truthfully and factually describe my work conduct & guest service. You can respond directly here online, anonymously, To only answer questioner questions, and not read much, scroll down to the NEXT BUTTON below image. Continue each time clicking on the NEXT BUTTON.

It is my intention to file a wrongful termination claim & and a employee harassment claim to Hilton. To the best of my knowledge, Hilton was not involved in this decision to abruptly end my employment.

An employee may file a complaint by contacting the agency EEO officer or by email to OA-Equal Employment Opportunity.

To skip reading the excerpts from the phone call I received from my GM (located bottom of page), my credentials and the facts before and after the Questioner, scroll down to the NEXT BUTTON below image Bring Ron Back.




A summary of the call I received? CONTINUE SCROLLING

I was wrongfully harassed by a member of our management team then 12 hours later wrongfully let go, over the phone, without any warning. Also, banned from the property; reasons unknown.

What was the reason given by the GM for letting Ron go?

‘We are letting you go. We are moving in a different direction with the position and we no longer require your services “.


  • I was never asked to discuss what ever the reasons were for this wrongful unforeseen decision / dismissal.
  • I was not given an opportunity to speak on my own behalf about what ever this truly is about.
  • I was never, or have ever been, issued any cautionary verbal / written warnings that I recall.
  • Todd, one of the owners: I never met him or any others. I have only ever called him once + 1 call I made to our payroll person, thereafter I was transferred by her to his voice mail (referencing recent time and a half wage payments were made for a 2 hour Front Desk staff meeting (not a Holiday), I did not receive that staff meeting rate of pay, all other FD agents in attendance did. As a result of the way the overtime rate was calculated, they were scheduled their 40 hours and then 2 additional hours were added forcing their ‘OT’ ? Computer glitch?

The Direct Call: A year or so back about the ongoing cash shortages in the tills / missing giftcards at the FD which went on for at least a year+ and little to nothing was being done about it to stop it to my knowledge. Todd reacted quickly, contacted the GM (I asume) and said 1 cash till was to be removed completely.

My first shift back, after that call was made, I worked with my GM. GM was visibly ‘pissed off’ when they first saw me. Was very curt and nasty to me while being around him as if I had done something to him: short answers, tempered vocals. When I  opened my till drawer to count my shifts till, the cash drawer was gone. I looked at a co-worker and said “the drawers missing”? GM rounded the corner from the back office and said aloud, as he locked onto me, with a look of rage and hatred in his eyes, ‘Yeah, I go the call! Great! Now we only get 1 till to use.” then walked away.

I was the only employee, to my knowledge, that brought these ongoing cash discrepancies forward. It was not any easy decision to make and I anticipated anger and retaliation of some type. It was also a decision I should have not been faced with.

I enjoy being a Hotel Front Desk Agent for our guests and care about them, the hotel, our profitability and my fellow team members.

For your consideration:

  • I’m an employee FD Agent with 4 years of rewarded service & dedication.

  • Great service reviews from guests in-house & online and fellow coworkers.

  • Very dependable & responsible.

  • A ‘Very Good Employee” for every yearly performance review given.

  • Yearly pay raises + a one time increase of $1 per hour based on a recommended request made by (GM) to Todd (OWNER)

  • An honest employee

  • Have never been issued a negative verbal/ written performance notice. I was awarded several positive ones during my employment there.

  • Missed 10? days of work in 4 years, since being hired, with my health issues?

  • One of the most dependable, reliable, professional, considerate, kind, helpful, experienced, committed employees this Hotel has been fortunate to have onboard over the past 4 years.

  • I’m an awarded, trustworthy, responsible, kind, admired, vetted professional and respected person with 35+ years of Retail Management experience, 6 years experience as a Merchandise Buyer / Planner for a 12 store music chain;Gallery Of Sound, 9 Year Owner/Publisher of a regional magazine, served a 2 year term as VP of The Wyoming Valley AIDS Council (local) and are a previous Hotel Night Manager for a Ramada Hotel with 107 guest rooms, a bar and lounge, 2 restaurants, 3 banquet rooms, a swimming pool and 12 meetings rooms and room service included; most shifts I was the only member of management on property responsible for all of it.

  • Just 3 days away from starting my 5th year & my yearly review?
  • I also own / operate my own business, successfully as a sole provider with no staff, since 2010.

 *GM was recently changed; Head of Housekeeping to GM / May June 2024 I think). I wasn’t aware that position was opening / decided upon until the new GM was introduced.

* I was the last and only part-time person left after the recent payroll cuts / wast-full & avoidable payroll costs, everyone else is full time along with a floater PT floater (?).

A summary of the call I received on 11 01 2024  from my GM:

Hi Ron, it’s (GM)

Hi (GM), how are you? My voice was scratchy, dry mouth, just woke up.

I’m ok. GM said that ‘they had to let me go because they are moving in a different direction with the position. Also, you are no-longer permitted to be on property except to pick up your final pay stub. And please drop off any uniform pieces I might have.

I asked GM what “we are moving in a different direction with the position” meant. GM basically said the very same things again ‘we are moving in a different direction with the position. If you have any questions, please call Christine (area coordinator for the upcoming hotel remodel?). 

OK then? (GM)

Ah, sure? (Ron)

Thank you, good bye. (GM)

I got really sick after all that (The unnecessary stress and anger had negative effects on my M.S.) for a while, then called Christine.

After contacting Christine, I basically got the same answer / information.

I asked her a second time, what the reason meant and got the same answer again “we are moving in a different direction with the position” .

I asked if she would advise me to call the owner (Todd) directly and speak with him about this?

She said Todd doesn’t want a call from you”.

She also mentioned that I was welcome to apply for unemployment and that she would now be overseeing Robin’s position & training.

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MARCH 2025

It’s been 4 months since I lost my job in November of 2024.

As of today, I still have not been able to secure a part-time job replacement. Plant sales, although consistent, only bring minimal amounts of revenue. I also learned that both of my recent unemployment appeals were denied, so they are taking 2 weeks of payments back, deducted from my weekly payout allowance going forward instead of deducting it from my Unemployment Fund (what I have paid in for 40+ years / balance of almost $4000.00 unused). See the image below; this week I’m being paid $31.22 in unemployment.

As a result of my job loss, not yet being able to find a replacement part-time job yet, low plant sales revenue, health issues, and learning of MS brain atrophy, I have decided to take my Social Security benefits early. Solely for the purpose of knowing I will have some type of income beyond my unemployment each month. My first check is due April 2025, so I just need to ‘survive’ March. I still plan on working part-time somewhere.

I was also made aware in October of 2024 that my apartment building would be put on the market sometime in late 2025 for sale. That will certainly raise my monthly rent 100% minimum. The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom apartment in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, is around $1250. The average rent for a 2-bedroom apartment in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, is around $1,400–$1,626 per month. The size of the apartment can affect the rent. I currently have a 3-bedroom, so downsizing is mandatory. My Social Security check ($1121) alone wouldn’t even cover my monthly rent.

It’s with extreme discomfort and desperation that I am forced to ask for help. I’ve set up a donation fund to help offset expenses/debt I have incurred as a result of my job loss. If you would consider it, whatever amount you elect would be greatly appreciated. No amount you opt to give is too little; i.e., $25 is cool! Click on the donate button to proceed, then enter an amount you would like to donate. No PayPal account required. You can use a debit or credit card to fund your donation. It’s private and secure. And if you decide to not make a donation, for any reason, that is perfectly fine, and there would not be any hard feelings. There’s also no need to explain why. These are trying times for us all.

I’ve never forgotten those of you who have always helped and supported me throughout my lifetime, whenever I needed it. You are loved back.

For the sake of transparency, here is a screen capture of my unemployment earnings since November 2024.

Screenshot 2025-03-02 at 17-23-30 Pennsylvania’s Unemployment Compensation (UC) Benefits System - Benefits Plan Profile-fotor-20250302173352

MARCH 2025 Read More »

How to contact Facebook

10 05 2019 | Links after content.

So, for the past few weeks, my Facebook Business Page was locked due to what they said was suspicious activity by someone else? I never entered my Facebook login information on any other website or page. Although I am appreciative of this action taken by the Facebook staff, I am not at all happy about their delay in addressing this issue and responding..

I had sent them several emails and a few online messages through their security / recovery process and still no one replied to any of my requests. Also, none of the recovery steps I took proved successful. As a last resort, I reached out to a loyal customer / follower Brittany Bellows who was kind enough to notify Facebook on my behalf through their message app. I was also locked out of the message app option as well. Thank you Brittany again, for your help! A few days after that message, I finally got a reply and link to unlock my page.

Being temporarily “locked out” and not being able to login in and or contact Facebook directly is an awful position to be in. Facebook should offer some type of online support; finding a link or email address for assistance online is a real tedious task; almost impossible and very frustrating. Oh and if a business pays for advertising on Facebook, those folks have direct access to administrative assistance. Yes Facebook is a free service for us all but it should include some type of dedicated / timely support and communication. #facebook #lockedout #ronbeckdesigns #BrittanyBellows

facebook rip out

This difficult task, is now a little easier.

How to contact Facebook
Screen Capture

How to contact Facebook Read More »

Website Makeover 2019 – Ron Beck Designs

New Website Design 2019

Ron Beck Designs

Its been almost seven years since the web site was first launched; was time we update the appearance.

  • The Landing Page ( now features a new plant design preview video which will play shortly after the page loads.For reasons unknown, the video will not load in Google Chrome; Firefox is best.
  • We have also increased the width of all our web pages. Now there’s more room for content and larger images.
  • The Contact Form has been simplified and more user friendly. Form link here
  • All the shop pages now offer a larger view of the plant designs.
  • The over all user experience will now be even better than before.

Website is best viewed with Firefox, on a desktop, laptop or tablet. Background video will not play in Google Chrome an we still, can’t figure out why?

Website Makeover 2019 – Ron Beck Designs Read More »

cabinetexcellent aka


cabinetexcellent is it a legitimate, on line retailer?

Considering the current direction of the masses, it still came as a surprise to see someone was actually selling one of my designs, illegally.

Selling, potentially collecting revenue for something they did not create. Selling something that they had no permission given, to do so.

The suggested retail price was in fact, the original selling price from my shop. The discounted price was decided by cabinetexcellent.

They are wrongfully selling an item that does not physically exist. This particular design, spike moss bushes (prp202), was sold to a customer in Australia by me.



Both images are screen shots from the website. The first image is the actual item listing and the second, the original message I sent them.

Page link
Their web site

cabinetexcellent aka Read More »

Contact Form | Ron Beck Designs

Wide Deluxe Black- Ron Beck Designs - 1080 150


Please use this contact form for all general questions, communication and product design inquires.

If you are inquiring about a particular plant design availability, please be sure to include the plant designs name, sku #, preferred height and what the intended habitat is (aquarium, reptile or home decor). You will receive a reply within 3-5 business days.

When you have completed your message, click the Contact Us button below, under your message, to send.

Be sure to add to your contacts so the email doesn’t accidentally end up in your spam folder.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Your personal information will not be shared.

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software update wiped the files

12 march, 2015

Hello subscribers

ron beck designs blackOn Monday, March the 9th I applied an update to our WordPress software; web publishing. Once the update was finished, I planned on continuing to work on the site.

When the update completed, it removed all the original files and created new files. In a few words or less, everything got erased. Four years of work and data, gone. As I began importing a backup file, instead of just uploading the data file, it also generated new posts for every past entry; software is not supposed to do that.

This is why you may have recently received massive amounts of emails from the site, all of which have no images because every image on the site data base was deleted by the update.

The site should be repaired | rebuilt within a week or so.

I’m very sorry for this inconvenience that was beyond my control.


software update wiped the files Read More »