choices: 1 plant design, 2 uses! | ron beck designs

choices reptile plants and home decor from ron beck designs 1024 775

Choices: the aquarium plants or reptile habitat plants can also be used

as a home or office decor plant.

  • Never needs watering or the right light.
  • Adds a little green to your desk.

To use as a home or office decor plant simply place the plant design in a container. Fill with soil, spanish moss or stones.

Aquarium Plants | Reptile Habitat Plants

ron beck designs aquarium plants

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choices: 1 plant design, 2 uses! | ron beck designs Read More »

reptile habitat plant: succulent

design: succulent | plstc. | prp066 | 5″ high
environment: reptile habitat plant | ron beck designs
click on image to enlarge

reptile habitat plants succulent star points prp066 plstc. ron beck designs

reptile habitat plants succulent star points

prp066 plstc. ron beck designs

gift card ron beck designs aquarium plants

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reptile habitat plant: succulent Read More »